Pledge of Allegiance / National Anthem
We love our country at Eagle Country 99.3.
So much so that we will soon be playing the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem on a daily basis. And we want students and community members in Eagle Country to be the voice or sound!
Classrooms, school bands, scout troops, local choirs, etc. are encouraged to record and submit the Pledge of Allegiance or the National Anthem to
Please provide the name of your school, classroom, organization, etc. for proper identification on air.
The preferred format is MP3.
Thank you for loving your country with Eagle Country 99.3.
Not Your Mother’s Book Club Reads “Flirty Little Secret”
If you like edgy stories and a variety of genres, check out our Not Your Mother’s Book Club!
at Aurora Local History Library at the Depot -
Dearborn County Farm Bureau Inc. Scholarship
Annual Scholarship given by Dearborn County Farm Bureau Inc.
Beginners' Dungeons and Dragons - APL
Interested in learning how to play Dungeons and Dragons? Stop by the library for our Beginners Dungeons & Dragons program!
at Aurora Public Library

Proceeds will support the Clearinghouse fight food insecurities in the area.

The events will take place during Kidney Cancer Awareness Month.

The event is hosted by the Dearborn County Soil & Water Conservation District.

Staci Knigga had previously led the program for 23 years.

Stanley is a two-time all-state player.

Girls Basketball Sectional, Wrestling Regional, and Girls Swim Sectional results